You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.
Specify the format parameter to change the output format.
To see the non HTML representation of the XML format, set format=xml.
See the complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <r ns="0" title="Build uClinux for EA2478 Board" />
      <r ns="0" title="EWEB1" />
      <r ns="0" title="Fail2ban and Denyhosts" />
      <r ns="0" title="Fixing Xauthority" />
      <r ns="0" title="LaTeX" />
      <r ns="0" title="Omni Turris" />
      <r ns="0" title="PB:Get an Internet connection" />
      <r ns="0" title="PocketBeagle" />