Build script for EA distribution

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This is a small script that helps you build the distribution. Please analyse and understand what the script does.

Place it in the uClinux-dist directory (that's the point where you build the distribution)

# A smal helper script that copies the final result to the tftpboot directory
# and captures the output from the make process in the file  "make-out.txt"
# Klaus Kolle 2010 11 13
# Source
# Put down a time stamp
touch images/maketimestamp
echo "Please wait.... might take several minutes"
# make the kernel
make>make-out.txt 2>&1
if [ images/uLinux.bin -nt images/maketimestamp ] ; then
        cp images/uLinux.bin images/romfs.img /tftpboot
        echo "Copied new images to tftpboot"
        echo "Did not copy anything........."
        echo "Inspect the make-out.txt file for compilation errors."
# remove time stamp
rm images/maketimestamp