Configure EA2478 Board

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These are a few of the configurations that is possible on the Embedded Artists EA 2478 board.


uClinux includes two http daemons, boa and httpd.


To include the boa server enable it in the make menuconfig system.

The change into ucLinux-dist/user/boa/src and modify the Makefile in order to have the boa.conf file included into the rom file system (romfs)


        $(ROMFSINST) /bin/$(EXEC)

add a line so you'll have this result:

        $(ROMFSINST) /bin/$(EXEC)
        $(ROMFSINST) -d boa.conf /etc/boa/boa.conf

Next copy from the examples directory the boa.conf file into the src directory.

Edit the boa.conf file and change the user and group from nobody to root

Finally edit the defines.h file. Before the #define SERVER_ROOT declare #define SERVER_ROOT "/etc/boa"


See MicroWin on EA board

Set your network address at boot

In uClinux-dist/vendors/EmbeddedArtists/rc you can near the bottom set your preferred network address. Find a line looking like this:

ifconfig eth0 up

Change the IP address to suit your need and rebuild.

Configuring u-boot

Originally the bootcmd is set to

bootcmd=echo "Booting from NAND FLASH (may take a few secs)." ;run

In order to change this, or other environment variables containing long strings it is recommended to enclose the string in single-quotes (')

setenv bootcmd 'echo "Booting from TFTP (may take a few secs)." ;run tftp_boot'

The usage of single-quotes ensures that the setenv command uses the whole string and not the part up to the semicolon - in the example the bootcmd is set to the first part (the echo string) and the last part is executed immediately.

ssh daemon

NOTE: This description is not complete yet.

dropbear is a drop-in lightweight alternative to the full shh-daemon.

In make menuconfig Network Applications check the dropbear choice.

Unfortunately the version of dropbear supplied with the EA uClinux distribution is not compatible with new ssh-clients. Hence a new version of dropbear must be downloaded and merged into the uClinux source code tree. This work is in the pipeline...