First start

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First time you start the handed out virtual machine, which has been preloaded with all necessary software, please follow these instructions:

Click on the osboxes highlighted label in the middle of the screen to login. The password is "" (without " and ")

Create a new user

When logged in press the Alt+F12 keys and Yakuake - a terminal - rolls down from the top of the screen, if not it can be started from the menu button down left.

Type this on the command line:

]$ ls

You should get something similar to this:

[osboxes@osboxes ~]$ ls
create.user  Documents  Music     Public     Videos
Desktop      Downloads  Pictures  Templates
[osboxes@osboxes ~]$ 

If you don't see the create.user follow the instructions in next section to create it.

If you see it jump to the section Creating the new user.

The create.user script

Highlight the code below with you mouse.

cat<<- EOF > create.user
# Create a user account with admin rights
echo "When prompted for sudo password enter the valid password for the user osboxes"
if [ -n \$1 ];
        sudo useradd -m -G wheel \$1
        echo "usage: $0 NewUserName"
echo "Now set your preferred password for the account"
echo "Notice nothing is written on screen, but all keystrokes are captured"
sudo passwd \$1
echo "Thank you, User \$1 is now created. Please logout and try your new account."

Paste the copy into the Yakuake terminal and press enter. (Notice: If you cannot paste the text check that the bidirectional Clipboard is enabled in your virtual host.)

Next issue this command:

]$ chmod 700 create.user

You are no prompted for the sudo password for osboxes - use the same as you used when you first logged in.

Creating the new user

In order to create a new user enter this:

]$ ./create.user <YourDesiredLoginName>

where <YourDesiredLoginName> shall be replaced by e.g. your first name. (Notice: It is not uncommon to type ones own name with all small letters - because it is quicker and with one less key stroke.)

Next you should enter your preferred password for your account - do it twice. Do be afraid if you don't see anything. On Linux, when passwords are entered, nothing is shown on the screen, but your keystrokes are still captured by the program.

Your screen should look something like this:

[osboxes@osboxes ~]$ ./create.user klaus
When prompted for sudo password enter the valid password for the user osboxes
Now set your preferred password for the account
Notice nothing is written on screen, but all keystrokes are captured
Changing password for user klaus.
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Thank you, User klaus is now created. Please logout and try your new account.
[osboxes@osboxes ~]$

Login on a KDE window manager

Finally click on the Centos Menu button down left, choose Leave and next Logout.

How to leave


Next thing is to login again using your new login.


Select Window System

On Linux you have a number of different Windows systems. I prefer KDE, but have also installed GNOME. If you are new to Linux try out the KDE, it is probably the one that can look most like the OS coming from Redmond, Washington.