HBS1 software installation

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In order to install the distribution that comes with the Diax HBS1's follow these guidlines.

Log in as root.

$ # ensure that your envronment is up to date
$ yum install gcc binutils gzip make diffutils bison flex libncurses-devel zlib
$ # to eliminate some constraints built in the built system make a symbolic link for sed in /usr/bin
$ ln -s /bin/sed /usr/bin/sed
$ # make a directory to work in, e.g. /home/eml1
$ mkdir -p /home/eml1/Diax-CD
$ cd /home/eml1/Diax-CD
$ # copy the distribution CD from bren
$ scp -r <your login>@bren.hih.au.dk:/home/eml/ .

A directory named Diax-Cd is created. In the build directory are the software.

$ cd Diax-CD
$ # unpack the arm-elf tools
$ sh build/arm-elf-tools-base-gcc3.4.0-20090114.sh
$ # unpack the uBoot
$ tar xzf build/u-boot-1.1.2-hbs1.tar.gz
$ # unpack the uClinux distribution
$ tar xzf build/uClinux-dist-20101107.tgz
$ # compile the uBoot
$ cd ../u-boot-1.1.2
$ sh build.sh
$ cd ..
$ # compile the uClinux
$ cd uClinux-dist
$ make menuconfig
$ # Just exit immediately
$ sh build.sh
$ # Hit return when the compilations stops and you're asked a question

Configure the tftp server by following these instructions: Tftp

Copy the compiled packages to the tftp server. Hint: Can be built in the build.sh script in the uClinux distribution

$ cp images/uimage.gz images/uromfs.gz /tftpboot

We have had an enormous amount of trouble getting the distribution to load on the boards.

Jeppe may have an solution - it worked for the HBS's we checked the other day:

Edit the uClinx-dist/build.sh file and change in the second last line the symbol ${RD_ADDR} to 0x200000 - it looks as if the Linux image takes up a little more space than expected, so the filesystem image is moved to a higher address in the Flash.

To make the testing of the newly developed software you can use ramboot rather than fllinux. fllinux erases the flash memory, downloads fresh copies of the kernel and romfs and burns them into the memory. ramboot do not erase the flash and downloads the images to ram and runs them directly from there.

<srouce lang="bash"> $ run ramboot </source>