How-to compile the Scull examples

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As root on your virtual server execute the following commands:

$ yum install gcc kernel-devel
$ yum update
# If a new kernel came in restart the server
$ init 6
# Wait a few minutes and login once again
# Provided that the examples are placed in /home/eml1 issue these commands:
$ cd /home/eml1
$ tar zxvf examples.tar.gz
$ chown -R root:root examples
$ cd examples
# Create a link to the current kernel - remember to change this, when kernel changes
# The version number below may vary
$ ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-194.11.4.el5-i686/ current-kernel
# Prepare the helper script as described below
# When entering the example directory execute this
$ .
# To make the scull module perform:
$ cd scull
$ make

Helper script called - to be run every time you enter this directory. It sets up the environment.

# Preparation for the compilation of the scull example code