How-to compile the Scull examples

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Revision as of 17:10, 26 September 2010 by Klaus (Talk | contribs)

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As root on your virtual server execute the following commands:

$ yum install gcc kernel-devel ncurses-devel
$ yum update
# If a new kernel came in restart the server
$ init 6
# Wait a few minutes and login once again

Now we need a local copy of the kernel sources. Follow the instructions on Centos Wiki

Next create the ordinary users for the system with

 $ adduser <username>

As root edit the /etc/group file and add a new group at the end. Copy the line above (one of the ordinary useres) and change the group number to bee at least one higher. Add the usernames after the last : having the file looking something like this:


Next follow the instructions at Centos wiki on building kernel modules REMEMBER do this as an ordinary user as recommended.

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686
$ make oldconfig
$ make menuconfig
$ make prepare
$ make modules_prepare

As root issue this command:

$ depmod -a

As normal user issue this:

$ cd /home/eml1/examples
$ make -C ~/rmpbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686
$ make
# Takes a while to compile the kernel
# Provided that the examples are placed in /home/eml1 issue these commands:
$ cd /home/eml1
$ tar zxvf examples.tar.gz
$ chown -R root:root examples
$ cd examples
# Create a link to the current kernel - remember to change this, when kernel changes
# The version number below may vary
$ ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-194.11.4.el5-i686/ current-kernel
# Prepare the helper script as described below
# When entering the example directory execute this
$ .
# To make the scull module perform:
$ cd scull
$ make

Helper script called - to be run every time you enter this directory. It sets up the environment.

# Preparation for the compilation of the scull example code