PB:Get an Internet connection

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In order to let the PocketBeagle (PB) connect to the Internet a few preparations is needed.

Packets on the network is routed through a number of points. The first point a packet from the PB will run into is the Centos host. It has the IP address

In order to let the Centos route traffic from the PB to the Internet Masquerading must be enabled in the firewall. Masquerading takes packets with the source address - in this case - and changes the source address to be that of the Centos and finally routes the packet to the Internet interface - that will be your host operating system.

When packets arrives with responses from the Internet they will be sent to the Centos, which looks up in a table and from there knows that it has to change the destination address to that of the PB, i.e. Complicated, yes, but it works if you are careful in setting up the necessary things.

Preparing the Centos development host

First open the firewall interface:

Screenshot 20180223 114103.png

Next give your password.

Screenshot 20180223 114134.png

Finally you have to click a number of times on the small arrow icon the the right (marked with red circle in the figure below). The click to set the check mark as shown in the blue circle below.

Screenshot 20180223 115504.png

Close the firewall.

Preparing the PocketBeagle for connecting the Internet

After having set up the masquerading in the Centos host it is time to enable the Pocket on the Internet. For that the network needs to know to where it shall send packages not on the local network. Issue:

]$ sudo /sbin/route add default gw

This tells the kernel to send IP-packages, that is not part of our local network, to another node, that - hopefully - knows what to do with the package.

Unfortunately this don't stick after a reboot, So you have to issue this command every time just after booting. But wait it can be automated. See below.

Automate the network configurations

Set up tiezone and time

To setup a correct timezone execute this as root only once on your Pocket:

]$ dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

select Europe and Copenhagen in the menu provided.

NOTE Below is a scratch pad, not valid information

From this point you can follow the instructions given on the BeagleBone Black part of the wiki and maybe also the instructions for the Windows setup, if you're using this as your host OS.

The next step could be to copy over your credentials from development host to the PB letting you login without password. Follow the instructions over at Linux Hints page.